Monday, June 13, 2011


Ok, so this is just an idea I had...I am in the midst of teaching a Tarot class, and so I thought it might be fun to do a blog on the Tarot. I recently started my personal blog, and thought this might be a nice addition to it:)

So, this page is a place where you can learn about the tarot, little by little. And for those who are already familiar with it, a place where you might gain a new perspective, or layout ideas..etc..

I will talk about each card, it's general meaning, additional info, also the imagery of the cards, on standard (universal ) decks.

All of the 78 card meanings are necessary and essential for a full understanding of the entire Tarot.
The Major Arcana (big secret in latin) the first 22 cards of the Tarot, deal with the human condition.
Each card talks about the happiness, the sorrow, and everything in between, that every person can feel or experience in life. It is the drama called life.....

In the next blog I will start the journey of the Tarot with The Fool...
only because it's late and I have an early looong day ahead of me.

I welcome you, and hope you enjoy this new journey with me!

Brightest Blessings
and Go Bruins!!!

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